
FREMAP is an entity that collaborates with the Spanish Social Security, managing and protecting the work accident contingencies and professional diseases by providing health care and assistance to its clients.
FREMAP network is fully deployed in Spain and has 4 Hospitals with internment, 4 Day hospitals and several Assistance Centers.
One of FREMAP group buildings that is fully monitored by ViGIE solution is the FREMAP Vigo hospital building, a hospital unit with: Emergency Service, Surgery Room and Internment working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
In this unit, ViGIE system is responsible for the monitoring, alerts, and reporting of key parameters critical to the operation, such as:
- Level of gases tanks;
- Functioning of the electro group emergency generator;
- Climate Control (temperature, relative humidity, differential pressure) of critical areas: Surgery Room, Treatment Rooms, Datacenter;
- Functioning of the hot water production circuits (alarms boiler and circulator pumps);
- Functioning of the hot and cold water distribution circuit (alarm circulator pumps and pressure in the pipes);
- Temperature of hot water distribution circuit (outward and return) and cold;
- Existing chlorine level in the water;
- Cold chain temperature of drug storage;
- Cold chain temperature of food storage.

ViGIE also monitors total electricity consumption and by sectors / services and total cold and hot water consumption and by sectors / services.
ViGIE platform allows a maximum flexibility in the facilities management, combining all monitored variables on the same platform with the ability to send fully customizable smart alerts and reporting generation with statistical indicators.
ViGIE alarms system allows the Facilities Manager to scale the alerts sending for different levels of criticality, contributing to an efficient management of its facilities and facilitating the management of technical intervention needs.
Through a continuous analysis of energy consumption ViGIE sends alerts to excessive consumption compared with consumption of homolog periods. The tariff comparison feature allows the user to validate if the contracted tariff is the most suitable for your consumption profile, generating immediate savings to the organization.
As our customers’ satisfaction is essential, ViGIE decided to interview an interlocutor of this entity, Mr. Enrique Fernández Pérez, acting as FREMAP Maintenance Manager, realizing how ViGIE contributes to an effective maintenance of FREMAP facilities.

1) How do you rate the level of importance that has ViGIE solution for FREMAP facilities management?
On a scale of 1 to 10, I consider that ViGIE solution occupies an importance level between 7 and 8 values for FREMAP facilities management, especially by the fact that the facilities are being monitored and controlled in real time.
2) Regarding FREMAP facilities maintenance management, what are the changes you consider most significant since ViGIE system was installed?
Since ViGIE solution was implemented, it is possible to count the real costs of light, water and electricity of FREMAP facilities and monitoring all of these consumptions in real time, which can be displayed inside or outside the facilities.
3) Do you consider that the platform is easy and accessible to the user?
The platform is easy and intuitive to the user, although there is always room for improvement, as with any software on the market.
4) Would you recommend ViGIE solution?
Yes, indeed, I recommended its use within the FREMAP organization for its centers. I always try to emphasize its strengths, pointing out the improvements I consider to be necessary to think about on the future.
5) What would you change and / or which features would you add to ViGIE platform?
I wish I could handle, execute, integrate, communicate and act on elements and with other systems through ViGIE platform. For me, having the control component is paramount and, for that reason, I welcome the addition of the new Control module, which is already in development, to ViGIE solution.